Our Projects
Metro Park, Leeds Taking the bull by the horns

Sometimes when people vacate a property, they just leave you with an almighty mess to sort out.

This was the case at Metro Park. The mess here was a 50% void rate thanks to an administration meaning the FRI obligation had been lost. The previous tenant had made heavy alterations including the construction of a link between 2 units, so there was a significant reinstatement cost on top of the usual refurbishment costs.
Metro Park is a modest industrial estate of 6 units totalling 52,000 sq.ft. It’s located south of Leeds city centre, among the motorway network and whilst the estate itself is relatively modern and has a reasonable profile, the location isn’t for everyone. Having worked on other estates in south Leeds, it could be best described as ‘the last location to fill up but the first to empty’ so investing heavily here needed close scrutiny. The costs of making the units fit for modern occupation, with a minimum EPC ratings of B, just kept increasing. The only way was to make any appraisal work was to achieve a record rent for the location.
Metro Park before works

The building spec
- The reinstatement of all the previous occupiers alterations
- The separation of the space into 2 separate and self contained units, with yards
- Full roof recoating, not just cut edge corrosion works
- New roof lights
- Replacement gutters
- Replacement cladding to front elevations and around the office elements
- A second roller shutter door in the larger unit plus structural alterations to make this work
- Simplification of the entrances
- Open plan offices
- Modern and refurbished WC’s and kitchenette’s
- Internal security shutters
- LED lighting
- AC to the offices
- New security fences and gates
- Minimum EPC rating B

Common area spec
- Rebrand
- New signage and wayfinding
- Substantial landscaping and tree removal / reduction
Metro Park after works