About Us

Harness the power of property

Meet the team at Yoke Real Estate. With over 60 years of combined cross-sector experience, Jonathan & Tony have consistently proven their ability to harness the power of property. The key to this is getting owners and occupiers pulling together.


Jonathan Hodgson

A capable and ambitious northerner, with a huge appetite for eliminating risk in property. Solution-driven and personable as ‘us northerners’ are.

Jonathan Hodgson, Yoke Real Estate


Tony Howlings


Vastly knowledgable and experienced in property with great intuition. Tony successfully worked as a Fund Manager for Aviva and L&G.

Tony Howlings, Yoke Real Estate
Tony & Jonathan are very good at putting their skills, time and energy into the delivery of investment performance by bringing our team of consultants together in a joined-up way.

Gareth Dickinson

Royal London Asset Management


A selection of clients that trust us:

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Suite 3,
Harefield House,
Alderley Road,
Cheshire SK9 1PF